affiliate management

Affiliate Management

Platform that creates a connection and links digital publisher, advertiser, website promoter through a digital medium and create affiliation on the basis of sales need generated.

It is usually termed as referral marketing through digital medium. It is designed in the most appropriate manner considering giving referral to visitor and eventually rewarding them with some financial or strategic business motivation that drives sales. It can be a common forum in which there is direct sale happening with high set up of network and website customers.

Best results are generated with collective SEO, Pay Per Click, email marketing campaigns with well-crafted strategy for developing segments like travel, retail and service. Their services levels are apt, in timely manner with well researched methods and high sales closure.

Impactful affiliate marketing is less about generating bulk websites and creating links for generating inquires. It is a combination of reliable structure with highly efficient mobile performance standards accepted globally. It helps client and company with well-planned long term intervention which is created specifically to get effort versus return ratio equally and with most efficient quality of conversion in the network.

Webseo identifies the most efficient strategy that includes the ability of performer to perform more with higher returns. There are often cases where performance ratio is on peak, hence there are incentivized plan in Affiliate Marketing for a performer to perform and stretch better for the company.


Affiliate Marketing Campaigns


Affiliate monitoring


Recruiting new affiliates


Selection of affiliate networks


Affiliate Rewards Program Management


Banner creation

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Specialists at Webseo has specifically understood the niche of researching and crafting the clear plan for developing the company’s brand, proposing plan of action and considering the 360 degree angle of the network operation. With the angel of connecting market place of network and publishers. We have an adaptability to handle masses on the optimal platforms and produce sales with greater volume.

Core belief of Webseo works with the fundamental of trusting and working with the like-minded affiliates, this helps us streamline the process and deliver with the timeline agreed upon. For success of any impactful campaign it is important to have trust in the talent which is already associated and keep them engaging with their innovation in building the brand. The working model is designed in adherence with the transparency, where effort and returns are extremely clear. It helps us to generate quality leads for the business and shoot up sales to the next level based on candid working model.

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Let us help you get your business online and grow it with passion

We can manage all aspects of an affiliate campaign for your business and know how to get affiliates motivated to sell your product. We know which affiliate networks are the best for your industry and we know how to build relationships that will lead to increased coverage of your product on these affiliate sites.